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Best way to read of Anatomy | Study tips and Tricks

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Anatomy study tips

In this post we are going to discuss about the Anatomy study tips, Important learning or question topics and guidance of exam passing preparation with good score.

Here In this post we are going to discuss about the study tips for reading Anatomy. Which includes “How to read the subject?”, “What are the important topics?”, and “How to score well in the University?”

Anatomy subject is divided into several parts ;

  1. General Anatomy : In this branch of Anatomy we mainly study about the basics of all the systems like Muscles, Bones, Joints, Circulator System(Arteries, Veins, Capillaries, Anastomoses), Lymphatic system, Nervous system, Skin and fasciae, Connective tissue, Ligaments and Raphe, Some topics of Genetics also.
  2. Brain/Neuro Anatomy : We study about the full nervous system of the human body.
  3. Head Anatomy : Anatomy of the Head part which contains mainly 13 regions i.e, Head, Frontal region, Parietal region, Occipital region, temporal region, Auricular region, Parotid region,Orbital region, Nasal region, Infraorbital region, Zygomatic region, Buccal region, Oral region, Mental region.
  4. Neck Anatomy : Study of the Neck regions i.e, Anterior region, Right lateral region, Left lateral region, Posterior region.
  5. Upper Limb Anatomy : The upper limb is divided into 4 parts : Shoulder, Arm, Forearm, and Hand.
  6. Thorax Anatomy : The thorax region that is the vertebrae from T1-T12 .
  7. Abdomen Anatomy : Contains Abdominal cavity(L1-L5) and the Pelvic cavity(Sacrum and Coccyx). We study about the Organs, Visceras, Bones, Blood supply, Nerve Supply, Lymphatic Drainage, etc.
  8. Lower Limb Anatomy : Lowe limb consists 6 regions : Gluteal region, Thigh, knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot region.
  9. Embryology : We study the development of the human foetus, organs and all the systems and body parts.
  10. Histology : Wes study about the microscopic structure of the all the tissues of our body.
  11. Osteology : Study of bones with Development, classification of bones, Type of joints, etc.

We are going to discuss about the :

  1. Meaning/Definition
  2. How to read the Subject
  3. What are the important topics
  4. How to perform well in the viva table
  5. How to score well in the University exam

Meaning/ Definition :

Anatomy is a branch of biology concerned with the identification and description of living things’ body structures. Gross anatomy is the study of major bodily structures through dissection and observation, and it is limited to the human body in its application..

How to read the subject :

Reading the subject properly is very important for a “Would be a doctor” . The applied part of this subject is mostly in the all Surgical branch. Knowing the structures in details helps us to detect the normal and abnormal structures, position, any damage.

So now the question “How to read the subject?”

When you will be providing the duties in the ward, there you will understand that mugging up everything is not helpful at all in Anatomy.

So you have to study each and every topics by visualisation. So lets start one by one :

–Suppose you are studying the origins and insertions of the muscles. So you have to visualise all the origins and insertions in your mind. You can’t mug up. On Next week you will forget everything which you have mugged up. So start visualizing.

–Now for proper visualisation you can use two things : The Atlas books(the images are 2D), and the Atlas Visual Anatomy Application(You can see everything in 3D).

Writing self notes : Somethings you have to mug up, like the root values of the nerves, Plexuses, Developments or fate of the Pharyngeal Arches, etc.

—-Drawing Practice : Nerve pathways, Bones structures, structure of each organs(Heart, Lungs, Kidneys etc) are very important for the exam purpose. So repetitive drawing makes you more skilful during exam.

—Try to attend all the lecture classes provide by the Medical school, because visual impression is longterm and you will not forget the moments.

Dissection Classes : These are the most important part of the Anatomy learning, do not miss any dissection class.

What are the important topics :

(Only important for your Exam, study all topics if you want to enjoy Medicine)

We have divided anatomy into 11 parts to make it more easy for you to understand. Now in each branch we have discussed almost all the important topics.

Click on any of these to see the important topics :

How to perform well in viva table :

Now during Anatomy University examinations, there are 5 tables are formed :

  1. Bones : Here the bones are asked, First you have to hold in the anatomical position, parts of the bones, attachments of the muscles on that bone, Blood supply, and the last development related questions.
  2. Dissection : You have to identify the particular structures provided by the examiners, then the examiner can go into depth with all the theory related with that particular structure Suppose you are asked with a Nerve, then you can be asked the root value, branches if any, supply to the other parts or the pathway etc. Similarly if any muscles asked, then the origin & insertion , blood supply, nerve supply of that muscles can be asked.
  3. Viscera : Any viscera the examiner can say to hold. Mainly 2 viscera are asked. And here also you have to know all the theory related with that viscera.
  4. Radiology and Surface markings : You will be provided with mainly X-Rays, so you just have to say the view of that X-ray, structures seen. Then the examiner can ask other related questions of the X-Ray.
  5. Histology : You will be provided with some slides under the microscopes, you have to identify that structure and have to write 2-3 points about the identification. In viva time, the examiner can ask the theory related with the slide . Suppose you get the slide of the trachea, then the examiner can ask the trachea position, from where it starts, and to where it ends, full airways passage, etc.

How to score well in the University exam :

Now the part comes where all the students fade up specially in medical school. Because scoring 50% seems so challenging here.

For proper scoring in the University exam, first you have to solve 10 years paper of that University. Then from that you will get 70-80% common questions. Remaining 20% questions comes from he whole book. For that 20% questions, you have to touch all the topics of the book by making notes in flowchart, diagram manner in a single copy. So that you can revise before the exam.

How to write the answers : For that you have to write all the answers with flowchart/diagram. Suppose you are given short note of ulnar nerve, then you have to draw the pathway of the nerve and then start writing the pathway in pointing manner like In the Axilla, In the forearm.

And don’t forget to underline the key points, which makes the copy eye catchy to the examiner. And the examiner can easily sense the answer in less time which ultimately results in good marks.

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