Here you are going to find Medical and Surgical Instruments with Names, Description and Uses with Pictures. Subjects we have covered
1. Medicine, 2. OBG(Obstetrics and Gynaecology), 3. Surgery, 4. Paediatrics, 5. Radiology, 6. Orthopaedics, 7. Ophthalmology, 8. ENT(Otorhhinolaryngology), 9. Pathology, 10. Anaesthesia, 11. Dermatology
All this Instruments/Equipments knowledges will further help you in your Medical and Surgical ward during your duty and also in your practical exam.
We have explained the uses with so many clinical relations that will help you to make a clinical knowledge about the diseases and their medical and surgical managements.
Medicine :

In Medicine Instruments or Equipments we have discussed almost 45 devices. For daily life practice and for exam purpose you should have this knowledges.
OBG(Obstetrics and Gynaecology) :

In OBG(Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Instruments or Equipments we have discussed almost 45 devices. For daily life practice in the ward and for exam purpose you should have this knowledges.40
Surgery :

In Surgery Instruments or Equipments we have discussed almost 50 devices. For daily life practice in the ward and for exam purpose you should have this knowledges.
Paediatrics :

In Paediatrics or Neonatal care Instruments or Equipments we have discussed almost 35 devices. For daily life practice in the ward and for exam purpose you should have this knowledges.
Radiology :

In Radiology Instruments or Equipments we have discussed almost 15 devices. For daily life practice in the ward and for exam purpose you should have this knowledges.
Orthopaedics :

In Orthopaedics Instruments or Equipments we have discussed almost 50 devices. For daily life practice in the ward and for exam purpose you should have this knowledges.
Ophthalmology :

In Ophthalmology Instruments or Equipments we have discussed almost 80 devices. For daily life practice in the ward and for exam purpose you should have this knowledges.

In ENT(otorhinolaryngology) Instruments or Equipments we have discussed almost 60 devices. For daily life practice in the ward and for exam purpose you should have this knowledges.
Pathology :

In Pathology Instruments or Equipments we have discussed almost 20 devices. For daily life practice in the ward and for exam purpose you should have this knowledges.
Anaesthesia :

In Anaesthesia Instruments or Equipments we have discussed almost 25 devices. For daily life practice in the ward and for exam purpose you should have this knowledges.
Dermatology :

In Dermatology Instruments or Equipments we have discussed almost 15 devices. For daily life practice in the ward and for exam purpose you should have this knowledges.