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What are the neurological disorders in paediatrics age groups

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All the newborn/children neurological/nervous system diseases – Neuromuscular, CNS anomalies & Hydrocephalus, Seizure, Some important diseases/disorders. We have discussed five topics under this post, and they are :

  1. Neuromuscular disorders
  2. CNS anomalies
  3. Seizure disorders
  4. Hydrocephalus
  5. Some other important diseases or disorders

I. What are the Neuromuscular diseases :

  1. Spinal muscular atrophy
  2. Guillain barre syndrome
  3. Myasthenia gravis
  4. Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  5. FacioScapuloHumeral dystrophy
  6. Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy

II. What are the diseases of CNS anomalies :

Neural Tube defect :

  1. Spina bifida occult
  2. Meningocoele
  3. Meningomyelocoele
  4. Anencephaly
  5. Encephalocoele
  6. Iniencephaly

Neuronal migration disorder :

  1. Lissencephaly
  2. Schizencephaly
  3. Porencephaly
  4. Polymicrogyria

III. What is Seizure disorders :

  1. Febrile seizure/GTCS
  2. Absence seizure
  3. Myoclonic seizure
  4. West syndrome
  5. Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
  6. Benign Rolandic epilepsy
  7. Dravet Syndrome

IV. What is Hydrocephalus :

V. Some other important diseases/disorders :

  1. Cerebral palsy
  2. Meningitis
  3. Tuberculous meningitis
  4. Viral meningitis
  5. Neurocutaneous syndrome
  6. Starge-Weber syndrome

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