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RADIOLOGY – Instruments | Equipments | Devices – Full List

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Radiology instruments list

We have made all the RADIOLOGY Instruments full set or list with the Names, Description, Uses with Pictures. in you medical ward you will see all this instruments/equipments/devices. So full knowledge regarding all this devices is necessary for your medical and surgical practice and also during exams.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Nuclear magnetic resonance

Description :

This machine works by combination of different components :

  1. Computer
  2. Spectrometer
  3. Super-Conducting Magnet

Uses :

Advanced magnetic resonance imaging.

Brachytherapy Apparatus

Brachytherapy apparatus

Description :

This device is made for sending radioactive source in the body.

—The radioactive source travels from brachytherapy machine through hollow tubes or needles

Different parts :

  1. Motor
  2. Fixing Rod
  3. Lead Screw
  4. Coupler
  5. Needle Template
  6. Needle

Uses :

1. Internal Radiation Therapy : To treat cancers of head and neck, breast, prostate and eye.

Computer Axial Tomography Machine

Computer axial tomography machine

Description :

This machine helps to take detailed radiological pictures of the body/internal organs.

Uses :

1. Diagnosis of diseases

2. Planning treatment

3. Finding out how well the treatment is working

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Functional magnetic resonance imaging

Description :

This device works by fMRI using the Bool-Oxygen-Level dependent contrast.

Uses :

Measures brain activity by detecting change associated with blood flow.

Lead Shielding

Lead shielding

Description :

Made up of lead material and used for shielding Walls, Floors, Radioactive machines.

Uses :

Give protection against radiation by high shielding property.

Linear Accelerator

Linear accelerator

Description :

This device is acts as a particle accelerator which helps to accelerate charged ions in high speed.

Uses :

1. Treatment : Delivers external beam radiation to treat cancer.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging

Description :

This device uses strong magnetic fields along with strong radio waves. 

—–This combination helps to get detailed images of the inside of the body.

Uses :

To see detailed structures of any part of the body.

Positron Emission Tomography

Positron emission tomography

Description :

This device is a functional imaging technique which uses  radiological substances to observe and measure :

  1. Physiological activities like metabolism processes, Blood flow, etc.

Uses :

Using a radioactive drugs this device helps revealing how the issue and organs are functioning.

Radio Isotope Scan

Radio isotope scan steps
Radio isotope scanning

Description :

  1. Radioactive tracer is delivered through IV. It will highlight any bone damage.
  2. Wait for 2-4 hours for tracer to circulate through body.
  3. Liestill on screening table while cameras moves up and down the body.

Uses :

Used small dose of radioisotope to detect cancer, trauma, infection or other disorders.


SPECT scan

Description :

SPECT : Single-Photon emission computerised tomography scan helps to see the doctor inside the body.

Uses :

  1. Brain Disorders
  2. Heart Problems
  3. Bone Disorders

Ultrasonography(USG) Machine

Ultrasonography(USG) machine

Description :

Used mainly during the Gestation period. Has different components :

  1. Monitor
  2. Onboard Computer
  3. Pulse controls
  4. Keyboard
  5. Transducer

Uses :

Used to see inside the Pelvis or Abdomen mainly:

1. In Pregnancy or during ,12 Weeks of Gestation.

2. Any kind of GI problems, sometimes we do USG.

X-Ray Machine

X-Ray machine

Description :

This machine works by generating X-rays.

Uses :

In Diagnosis of :

  1. Bone Disorders : Bone fractures, Arthritis, Bone Tumours
  2. Infections such as Pneumonia
  3. Calcifications like Kidney Stones

Interventional Radiology

Interventional radiography

Description :

This holds all the radiological imaging procedures performed for doing any kind of treatment.

—- Instead of giving incision and putting scope, the doctors see inside the body by CT, MRI,USG, and fluoroscopy during any treatment procedure.

  1. X-Ray Fluoroscopy
  2. Computer Tomography
  3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  4. Ultrasonography

Uses :

1. Angioplasty : Repairing or unblocking of blood vessels

2. Stenting : Small mesh tubes that treat narrow or weak arteries.

3. Thrombolysis : Dissolving blood clots

4. Embolization : Block blood flow to cancer cells

5. Biopsy : Studies of tissues.



Description :

This is a large device and has mainly 3 parts :

  1. Camera Unit
  2. X-Ray Beam
  3. Film Plate

Uses :

This is mainly used for detecting beast abnormality likes breast cancer, palpable masses and nonpalpable breast lesions.

Instruments’ Page

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