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What are the common diseases of Genito-Urinary system in Children

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We have discussed the common diseases of genital and urinary system in the newborn child, neonates or children under paediatrics age group.

  1. What are the diseases seen by general inspection
  2. What are the diseases seen by hand examination
  3. What are the diseases seen by Loin mass examination
  4. What are the diseases seen by Lung diseases
  5. What are the others diseases are seen

I. What are the diseases we can Inspect :

  1. The assessor looks for any puffy face or sick appearance caused by CKD.
  2. Then examines the pallor, which reveals a pale renal facies with a pale, sallow, and somewhat yellow pigmented tone.
  3. Kussmaul breathing : This refers to acidosis in CKD, AKI, AGN, and RTA (chronic renal disease, acute kidney injury, acute glomerulonephritis, and acute glomerulonephritis) (Renal tubular acidosis)
  4. A uremic fetor smells like urine and breathes like a fish.
  5. Hirsurtism was discovered in CNI poisoning.
  6. Rash is a symptom of vasculitis.
  7. Gingival hyperplasia: This happens as a result of CNI (Calcineurin inhibitor) toxicity in people with CKD.

II. Hand examination :

  1. Leuconychia – In hypoalbuminemia, this is an opaque white line.
  2. Leuconychia striata, or Muehrecke’s nail, is a band-like pale discoloration found in chronic hypoalbuminemia.
  3. Haemodialysis A-V fistula
  4. In renal failure, Mee’s line is a single transverse white line.
  5. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a type of carpal tunnel syndrome.
  6. CKD patients have half and half nails, with the distal nail brown or red and the proximal nail pink or white.
  7. Asterixis – Asterixis is a fluttering tremor seen in uremia as well as severe hepatic and respiratory disorders.
  8. In chronic hypoalbuminaemia, Beu’s line transverse grooves or furrows on the nail plate.

III. Loin mass :

  1. Gangioneuroma is a type of ganglioneuroma.
  2. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a condition that affects the kidneys.
  3. Perinephric abscess is a type of perinephric abscess.
  4. Hydronephrosis is a condition in which a person’s kidneys are
  5. Dermoid cyst
  6. Wilm’s tumour is the third type of tumour.
  7. Neuroblastoma (neuroblastoma) is a type of neurogenic disorder.

IV. Lung diseases :

  1. A pleural effusion, similar to nephrotic syndrome, with diminished breath sound and dullness.
  2. Fine crackles are a symptom of heart failure or left ventricular failure.
  3. Pleurisy with uremic pleurisy and pleural rub
  4. Coarse crackles, which occur when pneumonia is present.
  5. Pneumonia and asthma are two of the most frequent kidney disorders.
  6. In asthmatic patients, wheezing is a protracted expiration.

V. Other diseases :

  1. Pruritis – This is a complication of uremia that can result in scratch marks and hyperphosphatemia.
  2. Uremia frost – This is crystalline urea that appears as a white powder deposition on the skin.
  3. Keratopathy in the shape of a band – The examiner looks at the end of the cornea, which can be observed medially or laterally. This is limbic calcification in a patient with long-term hyperparathyroidism and high calcium and phosphate levels.
  4. The tone of the eyeball is examined
  5. The BCG markings are examined
  6. If there is brown line colouring, it should be noted.
  7. Red eye condition is number seven
  8. Retinal alterations due to hypertension

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