Superficial and deep groups of inguinal lymph nodes with picture and description. Popliteal group of lymph nodes with picture and description.
A. Superficial groups of Inguinal lymph nodes :

I. Location/Position/Relations of superficial groups of inguinal lymph nodes :
- Superomedial group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes – Present above and inferior to the medial 1/3 rd of the inguinal ligament and Psoas major muscle. In vascular relation it resides surrounding lateral to the Femoral artery and Vein. And this is present above the Femoral nerve.
- Superolateral group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes – Present above and inferior to the lateral 1/3 rd of the inguinal ligament and Iliacus muscle. In vascular relation it resides surrounding the Superficial and deep circumflex artery. And in relation with nerve, this lies lateral to the Femoral nerve.
- Inferior superficial group of inguinal lymph nodes – This part of the superficial L.N is present above the Obturator membrane. In vascular relation, this lies medial to the origin of Great saphenous vein from the Femoral vein.
II. Drainage of superficial groups of inguinal lymph nodes :
- The superficial group of inguinal lymph nodes, which are located in the upper portion of the femoral triangle beneath the inguinal ligament and receive lymph from the lower limb, genitalia, gluteal region, and perineum, receive lymph from the lower limb, genitalia, gluteal region, and perineum.
- External and internal iliac lymph nodes drain lymph into the abdomen’s common iliac lymph nodes.
- The lumbar and common iliac nodes work together to transport lymph from the pelvic region into the lumbar trunks and then into the cisterna chyli, or left lymphatic duct, near the base of the thoracic duct.
III. Pathologies of superficial groups of inguinal lymph nodes :
- Sexually transmitted diseases(STDs).
- Skin infection.
- Any kind of injury like Athelete’s foot.
B. Deep groups of Inguinal lymph nodes :

I. Location/Position/Relations of deep groups of inguinal lymph nodes :
- Just lies below the Inferior part of the Inferior groups of superficial inguinal lymph nodes.
II. Drainage of deep groups of inguinal lymph nodes :
- The deep inguinal lymph nodes, which are located in the upper portion of the femoral triangle beneath the inguinal ligament and receive lymph from the lower limb, genitalia, gluteal region, and perineum, receive lymph from the lower limb, genitalia, gluteal region, and perineum.
- External and internal iliac lymph nodes drain lymph into the abdomen’s common iliac lymph nodes.
- The lumbar and common iliac nodes work together to transport lymph from the pelvic region into the lumbar trunks and then into the cisterna chyli, or left lymphatic duct, near the base of the thoracic duct.
III. Pathologies of deep groups of inguinal lymph nodes :
- Sexually transmitted diseases(STDs).
- Skin infection.
- Any kind of injury like Athelete’s foot.
C. Popliteal groups of lymph nodes :

I. Location/Position/Relations of popliteal lymph nodes :
- Bony relations – Present on Popliteal fossa, that is in between distal end of Femur and proximal end of Tibia.
- Muscle relations – Below the Semimembranosus and Semitendinosus.
- Vascular relations – Around the Popliteal artery and vein.
- Nervous relations – Surrounding the Tibial nerve.
II. Drainage of superficial popliteal lymph nodes :
- The popliteal lymph nodes, which are positioned in the popliteal fossa, receive lymphatic fluid from the superficial veins that follow the small saphenous vein’s journey.
- All lymph from the lower limbs drains into the external iliac lymph nodes, the deep inguinal lymph nodes, and the common iliac lymph nodes before emptying into the lumbar trunks.
III. Pathologies of popliteal lymph nodes :
- Infection
- Abscess
- Melanoma